What to Bring:

  • Yoga Mat
  • Large, full-size towel to cover your mat and a shower towel to dry off afterwards- you'll need it!!!
  • Water Bottle
  • If you do not have or forget any of the these items you can rent from us for a small fee.

What to do before class:

  • Please let the teacher know about any physical conditions or recent injuries that might restrict your abilities in the hot room.

  • Take a minute and read this wonderful first time Bikram Student Article by Bikram teacher Barbora Simek.
  • Come fully hydrated to class - drink water prior to class beginning. (Students with a regular practice will intake 60-80 oz of water a day)
  • Do not eat 2 hours before class - Bikram Yoga is best done on an empty stomach. If you must have something it's best to have a piece of fruit, or something light and easy to digest.
  • Wear light clothing such as a sports bra and shorts and shorts for men. Try to avoid sweats or baggy clothing. You will want to be able to see your knees.
  • Be on time! Once the instructor has entered the room class begins immediately and no more students are allowed to enter the studio. If it is your first time, please make sure you are early to class (at least 15 minutes).
  • Please NO talking in the hot room, and if you have a question please wait until after the class to approach the instructor.

Things to Know During Class:

  • Your primary goal is to stay in the room for the entire 90 minute class, breathe and have fun!  It's just yoga!
  • If you need to take a break, it is fine to sit down and remain still on your mat and just watch the yoga.
  • Try to do the postures in the manner described by the instructor. Don’t cheat yourself out of receiving maximum amount of benefit from the session. If you try hard, concentrate, and follow the directions, then you are doing a perfect posture for you today.
  • Go into the postures slowly. Come out of the postures the same way that you went in - just as slow.

After Class:

  • You might feel tired. This is absolutely normal and a good sign that your body is cleansing. Your energy levels should be restored to normal within several classes.
  • You might find yourself feeling extremely energetic and experience difficulty in sleeping. Don’t worry, this is a good sign that the yoga is truly filling you up with energy.
  • You might feel sore or stiff the day after class. Come back to class as soon as possible! Your body is waking up and coming alive and you want to keep the process going!
  • You might feel nauseous, dizzy, or have a slight headache after class. This could be a sign that you are dehydrated. Please drink lots of water, perhaps adding electrolytes. Or it could be a sign that you were trying so hard that you weren’t breathing normally. Calm and relaxed breathing will come with a regular practice.
  • You might feel very hungry after class for a while or you might lose your appetite completely. Both reactions are normal. If you are concerned about your weight, don’t worry too much either way. Once you get into a regular practice pattern, your appetite and your weight will normalize. You’ll find yourself feeling and looking leaner and stronger.